Dare to Dream

Just a short one for today...

Lets get those thoughts provoked...

If nothing else mattered, no financial restrictions, no family commitments, no ties...

Where would you be right now? What would you be doing? How would you feel? How would you be earning a living? Where would you be planning to go or what activities would you love to be doing?

Let your mind wander for a moment. Maybe meditate on this idea. Where is your ideal? What is your peaceful safe place in your mind?

Now just think about what really stopped you from being there right now? Probably you stopped yourself as a result of being controlled by other people's opinions or even fear? Money may be an issue or you never bothered to save up to start the ball rolling on your dream.

Perhaps if we can overcome the fears or the factors that pull us down a different more mundane route our lives would all be so different from what we see today...

You have a choice. Continue the way you are... Or make the first move...

Much love,


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