It All Starts With Coffee...

Sitting quietly, watching the world go by and letting your mind be free and just watching your thoughts turn over like items on a conveyor belt. That is when you get the most vivid, idealistic, unrealistic dreams that manifest into ideas... It is then up to the viewer whether you act on them. And so, today I am acting on them.


Sometimes life gives you shit, so you have two choices. Wallow and wade through it until you reach dry land or do something about it. Make a positive change.

Usually when we are in this kind of situation, a positive change may be a minor change but in a different direction that what we are expected to take or even devalued by our peers. But, it is our lives. We are only in charge of ourselves.

Why should we not follow our heart and act on our dreams to find happiness and positivity?

Act on your gut, follow your instincts and through it all be positive that the world is guiding you on a path you are meant to walk.

Nobody said it would be easy... but what is there to lose? So here it goes... follow me and my blog to follow this journey...

Much love,


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