Make Each Day Count!

Hello sisters,

There is no point in putting off what you don’t want to do. Face it now and get it over with. Blunt words but there is no easier way to deal with it.

It is human nature to protect ourselves. In the past we made fire, we found shelter and defended ourselves with weapons to protect ourselves from our environment. Nowadays, procrastination is a prime example of modern day protection. Rather than physical defence from predators or from the climate, we now try to preserve our mental health in today’s stressful society. But the fact of the matter is that the longer you put it off, the more pressure you will put yourself under and the greater the stress and worry there is to complete the task. Ultimately, you are putting yourself under more strain that if you were to deal with it there and then.

So, today make sure you do something productive so that you can go to sleep satisfied and content. I try to do at least one thing productive each day in order to make the days count rather than to count the days.

Face that revision (that’s me now), face that test you’ve been putting off or the appointment you haven’t wanted to book. Do it now! For the temporary stress and discomfort you may be in, you will save yourself a tonne load of stress in the long-term!

You can do this girls! Who runs the world girls? ;)
Much love, Silver xxx


  1. This post was so inspirational and helpful, it really gave me the push I need :) It is definitely difficult to mantain your mental well being in the modern world but with the right support and attitudes it is possible :) I think you might find this helpful; when I'm struggling and end up being unproductive because I'm feeling so rubbish and sad I make a list at the beggining of each day of 3 small things I'd like to achieve. These are only small things like for example; paint your nails, watch tv with mum and play with the cat. Easy things that you can easily achieve and that it wont stress you out if you don't, I promise it makes you feel so much better :)

    Lots of love,Marianne xxx

  2. Well written sister, but I am afraid it's more complicated. I try to write one mail to one person from a week. And I can't. I am pushing myself to do this, but I still can't push the send button. Sometimes, I think, we must grow up to different decisions. Much love from Liliann!


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