Making Progress One Step At A Time...

In my last post I said that you need to be ok on your own before meeting some one else.

So i followed my own advice and did something for me. Something that I have missed doing with him is going shopping for the day out of town. 

I woke up this morning and saw the sun and I felt it was the right time to go. I had half planned a trip out on my own  couple of weeks ago but I couldn't do it so I guess I wasn't ready. But today I was ready. I went into town, got on the train, walked into the centre of the town, went shopping, overspent, walked back to the station, got back on the train and walked home... All on my own and I had a fantastic time.

It was liberating, empowering and made me feel really strong and independent. So that was my first big hurdle cleared! And I feel so good.

Before I end this post, I want to make sure people are getting the right message from me saying all this. I am not saying that we should be feminists, single forever and horrible to men because we don't need them. I'm not saying that at all, what I am trying to show you is that we don't have to have a man to be happy. We can be happy on our own and with friends. What you must not do is jump into a relationship with someone to make you happy before you can make yourself happy because that will never work and you will end up hurting again. But if we wait a bit and give ourselves a chance to start again, to pick ourselves up from where he left us and become confident, beautiful and strong ladies, that is when its time to date someone.

So my independent, strong sisters, let me know in the comments below if you have cleared your first hurdle to repairing yourself... Id love to hear the wonderful tales xxx


  1. I couldn't agree more! That day sounds lovely!
    Unfortunately I'm not there quite yet and going shopping alone is an awful experience for me but I'm slowly getting better! x

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting , it means so much :) And i am glad to hear you are getting better but my advice would be don't expect too much soon! When you are ready, you will know and that goes for the little things in life as well as the more important, scarier ones! You will get there, just stay strong :) xxx


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