Finding Happy in the Balance
It's a gift, not a given right.
It's also our sole purpose to treat ourselves with full respect for not just our bodies but also our mind, our inner soul or inner being.
We have a right to be happy and it's just as vital as taking the decision to quit smoking.
Although we have one life, I've come to see that it is divided into purposes or segments.
For example, family, relationships, work, environment and passions to name a few but each life may vary in its segments.
We have to nourish each segment equally.
One part of your life may be booming and you are investing so much time and energy and headspace to it that it allowing other portions of your life to suffer...
Perhaps you spend all day, everyday working to further a career until you are burnt out every weekend so you turn down invitations to socialise and meet other people and actually have 'fun'. You may have a comfy salary and respect within a company... but does that truly make you feel fulfilled and content?
Sometimes you have to make a change to accommodate other areas of your life. This could be little such as waking up half an hour earlier so that you can go to the gym or send those messages to your friends you are always meaning to reply to. Or it could be something a little more substantial like a career change or relocating to something/somewhere that you are more aligned with.
The bottom line is that generally you cannot be happy if you are only focusing on one thing, whilst letting other areas of your life fall apart or at least, suffer.
You deserve to be happy without compromise. Sometimes you just have to take a risk and make that first step in another direction to find what really makes you feel full and content.
Much love,
Personal Note:
I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I had to take a break to one, have a rest and two, rebalance and realign. I fell off the lightened path into the darkness of confusion. I've given myself awhile to recover and now it's time to get everything back in order so hopefully I will be posting more often again from this point on :) xxx
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