Everyone Should Read A Book... Here's Why!
Reading is a wonderful way to become immersed in a world, other than your own. Even if you are not reading fiction, facts can journey your mind to another place that you are not often in.
There are many benefits to reading... Here's a few.
Reading counts as brain exercise. The act of scanning words, sending the neural message for translation and then interpreting the meaning activates neural pathways that may not be active throughout your day. It stimulated creativity and elasticity, as well as memory cortex exercise and you have to remember the plot and the characters, creating new synapses and strengthening the overall organ. It has been found that reading can prevent mental decline.
For the mind and mental health, reading lowers stress by allowing you to holiday to the book world for a while. It focuses your attention away from your everyday stresses for a short while. Whilst avoidance is never a good long term solution to stress, anxieties and problems, it can act as a respite to allow you to recover before facing the real world again. Reading before bed can also help to create a bed time ritual, and trigger the brain to sleep thus helping with insomnia and night anxiety.
It is also said that reading allows you to expand your mind and develop your decision making skills. You are able to look across the big picture and over several outcomes rather than having a small viewpoint with poor insight of the potential consequences.
Also you are more likely to develop stronger relationships with friends, partners and family as you relate and empathise with the characters, as you see both sides of the story and the reaction a situation may have on a recipient. You have improved tact, empathy and judgement when it comes to people.
There are several reasons to read. Although this old school activity may seem dated nowadays, perhaps modernise it buy purchasing an ebook or an ereader.
Once you train your brain to read again like it was forced to as a child, you will soon reenter the world of creativity with no boundaries.
Let the words feed your soul and open your mind up to new ideas, experiences and aspirations.
The adventure is waiting... Why don't you turn the page...
Much love,
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