The Sisterhood of Silver's Philosophy

Hello Sisters of Silver...

I have decided to relaunch my blog properly but with a slightly different angle. I have now just finished my degree and feel I can properly commit to the blogs success. The truth is, I launched this blog about a year ago when I had a broken heart and thought I may never find love again. Well twelve months on, I have met an amazing, kind, caring, charismatic charming young man, and after a while I fell for this wonderful soul. We are very happy and I feel that I found myself again. I have become an even better person that the one I was before I nursed a broken heart. The blog has fulfilled its purpose, allowing me to find love again. 

So, now I want to change the function of the blog. I believe that every girl has the ability to be successful, but in a largely male dominating world we are left anxious and fragile. Therefore, I want to make a space on the internet that will inspire, empower and encourage other girls like myself to reach their potential. It will be a place of inspiration but also a place of girly escape where all hardworking girls will go to take a coffee break!

Join me on my journey, and see where it can take you...

Success is the new accessory, now available... if you let it :)

Much love, Silver xxx


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