Life Update: A Real Post By A Real Human With Feelings!

Heyy Sisters,

I am so stressed at the moment. Being stressed makes me sad, then feeling sad makes me needs someone to hug me and tell me everything will be ok but then I realise that there isn't anyone to do that for me so I feel even worse. Its a vicious cycle!

I try to save my happy self for blogging so I am not usually one to write posts like this but I suppose it is good to know that I too am human. Although I communicate to my readers in robot language (text!? - that's robot language in my world lol!), I still have a life beyond and I feel real emotions. I have deadlines, responsibilities and I struggle to keep positive quite often. I suppose its normal. But it is still rubbish! I woke up dead early this morning with a bad anxiety attack. My heart was racing, I felt like crying and the words 'I can't do this' ran through my mind as water flows from a tap. Its horrible. I managed to take my mind away from it all by watching a film but it has still left me with what I call an 'Anxiety Hangover', where I feel listless, sad and down. I need to shake it off but its so hard sometimes!

I don't really know what the point of this post is. I suppose it is just me reaching out to someone. As stupid as it sounds, my blog is like my friend - someone who I turn to. I am sorry for posting this miserable, old rubbish and hope you will forgive me. I guess all I can say is we are all human and its natural to feel happy and just as natural to feel sad, and its ok! We just have to let time to do its thing and bring something happy along the conveyor belt that I call life.

Stay strong sisters, I am trying!

Silver xxx


  1. I understand how you feel! Last night I could hardly sleep because I kept having frequent bouts of panic attacks throughout the course of the night! Oh gosh I really do hope things improve for you, whenever I have a bad week regarding stress its so I feel so bad you have to feel bad like this! In my experience what usually helps is listening to nature sounds (I like beach waves the best) and looking up "mindfulness" exercises. My therapist has been working on mindfulness with me and it helps relax you and help you put your problems in a perspective so they don't seem so intimidating to face! I'm going to be making a post on mindfulness later this week so if you get a chance to read that hopefully it will help too! Feel better! If you need to talk let me know I can help you further! :)


    1. Thank you so much for replying so soon Jadey! I read your comment and it made me feel much better but I havent felt up to replying before now. Its nice to know someone suffers the same as I do, anxiety and stress is horrible. I will definately download some natural sounds to listen to when I next have a bout of anxiety in the night and I have meditated before which is a part of mindfulness so I think i will schedule in some mindfulness exercises into my daily routine! I will look forward to reading your mindfulness post, thank you so much <3

  2. Dear sister! (can I call You like that?)
    I completely understand You. Right now it's raining and there is not even a piece of blue spot on the sky. It's like this since beginning of the month. And it's almost the end of it! So I am feeling a little bit depressed, but! It will gone one day. And finally the sun will come out.
    Don't fear about not having someone near You. Because You have Us here (me as well). Maybe we don't know each other well, but we understand each other!
    Stay strong and positive!
    Sister Liliann.

    1. Yes ofcourse Lilian, i'd love to be your sister! I have no brothers or sisters so you are part of my family of Silver now :) The weather does not help, I always seem happier and more positive on sunny days! Your comment means so much and thank you for understanding me :) xxx

  3. It is absolutely normal to feel that way. Getting stressed is not only normal, something it is something that can't be avoided and perhaps even something we need to go trough. Sometimes being stressed about something means we care a great deal about something and that deep inside we want to make something out of our life...and that is a good thing!

    Feelings of sadness are never easy but they can teach us a lot, they can teach us to love ourselves, to be there for ourselves...and to learn to forgive others for not being there, and even forgive ourselves.

    Tomorrow is a new day, they say..when I'm going trough a difficult period, I say to myself: Today is a new day! as silly as that sounds, it makes me feel better and opens my mind....when we are tired, everything looks bleak...sometimes all we need is a good night sleep and a few minutes to breathe and relax.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting on my post! Although you are only contacting me by text and we do not know each other it still makes me feel as if I am not alone!

      You are completely right, i suppose its a good thing that I care about something so much and maybe I should try to turn my worry into motivation to make things better. Thank you for your advice, tomorrow is definately a new day so i am hanging up my coat for the day and having a relaxing night with a glass of wine to unwind and hopefully get a goodnight sleep :) xxx

  4. I really liked your post, I think most of us reserve are happy self for the blog and social media. When in truth we have struggles, I feel stressed to with keeping up with my blog and work but you wouldn't know it by seeing my blog. It's great that you are reaching out, just know that there is something good in everyday. I hope you are feeling better but it is normal to have bad days.

    1. Thank you Perla! I totally agree. A lot of bloggers and vloggers (Zoella for example) only show their happy self, almost like an alter ego! I am feeling better, things are finally sorting themselves out and thank you for taking the time to comment. Much love, SIlver xxx

  5. Great post!
    Have a nice day :)


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