Get Some Headspace
It's okay when everyone tells you to work hard, to focus, to only consume your head with things that matter... It's okay whilst we are in the appropriate condition to do that... It's absolutely fine if it is your job and you need to hone in your attention into something important. But it's not okay when we don't take a break from it. When we are starting to resent the sound of the repetitive words we keep conversing over or reading the same lines on the same topic. At some point, we all have to take a break. We have to fill our brain with something positive, mindless, childish... even, dare I say it... FUN ! This break may be a 10 minute coffee break, where you watch a video of funny fails, or you phone up your friend after work to discuss something completely outside of your present bubble . In other cases, it may be booking some time off work, arranging a day out or a holiday or on a more longer term cure, a hiatus. We all need time out. Focusing...